"...for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
He's not just talking about the weight of the burden! He is talking about what He would like me, you, and everyone else to carry. Light.
In a recent prayer, I asked the question we all do when things to seemingly to pot, "Why?" The answer? "Let them know it is OK to be human. Tell them it's part of the plan. Only in being human, can you learn to be Love." Learning to Love is the point. We didn't come just to "get a body." We came to become like God. We came to become and truly learn to Love, for "God is Love."
How will we ever learn to Love as Christ does if we don't get practice in patience, long suffering, compassion, faith, empathy, surrender, and humility? We can't. We won't.
And the path is sometimes cold, lonely, and dark. Remind you of anyone else's path? Only He never doubted. He never wavered. He never stopped sharing the light! Did He hope there could be another way, without the suffering? YES! Because while the Savior of the world came half God, he also came half man. Of course he had to conquer fear! Of course He had to hit a wall! The other side of ultimate fear is ultimate love though! He could not truly gain one without fully overcoming the other. Neither can we. He taught us acceptance and surrender to what is not only good, but what is best. He gave us Courage. He didn't plan more than was possible in His final hours, he prioritized. He also didn't look back. He walked into the darkness faithfully, humbly, with Power and Grace unsurpassed. He owned the Day, even though it took the only flawless life ever lived. He allowed His life to be taken, so He could rise again.
His life was flawless, divine, and the ultimate example. Maybe his courage wasn't undermined by His willingness to walk The Path only He could. This was, after all, a path He agreed to, fully embraced, and chose when He could see clearly the big picture.
And maybe my willingness to be OK with whatever comes is also brave. Maybe my grit and determination to grab life by the horns brought me this far so I can help others accept their own limitations with courage. Maybe it's time to face the fear of being human by accepting the gifts only humanity can give. And maybe I'm not crazy thinking I can make a difference by walking into my wheel chair, leg braces, and inability to run a marathon with grace and beauty. That just might be what He's hoping I'll do, because He knows it won't stop me. It might change the scenery, but I'm 100% certain it won't change what I can do. Not as far as He's concerned. If I can't do it, chances are, He doesn't need it done. At least, not by me.
No, being OK with what is happening is not fear or giving up. Quite the contrary.
Accepting life, living it to the fullest, and prioritizing where my energy goes, that's a little something I like to call, "the other side of courage."
Embrace it. It's in there...
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